Sunday, June 3, 2018

彩虹為記 ❤️信靠順服

在飛往東京的時候也不忘寫我的 Daily revelations,這次用苏穎智牧師的每日与主同行伴讀很棒👍👍 

彩虹為記 ❤️信靠順服

Genesis ch 6~9 洪水的审判
默想:...神未曾應許,天色常藍,人生道路,花香常漫; 神未曾應許,常晴無雨,常安無虞; 神卻曾應許,生活有力,行路有亮光,作工得息,試煉得恩助,危難有賴,無限的體諒,不朽的愛...

因為「順服」,我的生命中帶來一個翻轉,让我們家進入了一個新的季節,我自己也從事業中很多的「身不由己」中得到釋放,其中最宝貴的是学会真正的「放下」...神的恩典夠用,這兩年在新環境生活中經歷了很多的第一次, 其中的歧嶇平順让我學會真心「信靠」,真正懂得放下手中一直抓住不放的, 因為知道這些「執著」在神的永恆裡真是微不足道!

我想真心信靠是這樣的, 你知道祂「信得過」然後那怕只是想跟祂分享一下心裡感受, 告訴祂自己有多開心或多難受,當遇上困境,人生或向左或向右時会跟祂相量如果應付,真心交托,心的遠近源於每次一點一滴的累積,然後你会發現原來衪的愛有多深❤️

如果人生是旅行車,在這一站遇上的每一個你絕對精彩, 是父上帝所預備的, 我想每一個地方都可能會有問題出現, 但深信唯有「以真愛待人」,才能在生活中的高山低谷中不斷見證父神豐盛的慈愛,让愛心傳遞。溫柔有愛心又正直的你真正做到了,這很感動!

約翰一書𥚃說我們愛,因為 神先愛我們是多麼的真實, 今天我們仍然能夠喜樂站在恩典中全是因為祂的愛!

PS. 我很喜歡一部電影叫”P.S. I love you” ... 其實想想很多時候我們的執著和失望都是因為曾經的最愛”... 哈哈...為什麼今天的你改變得那麼貼心可愛,叫人知道每天禱告的力量😇💪💪

Friday, June 1, 2018

Daily revelations ...人生若只如初見

創世紀3-5 從樂園到苦境, 提醒我們「罪」如何進入世界... 當撒但引誘女人,當她只看到她所沒有的(不能吃禁果),沒有看到自己所有的(園中所有果子及神保護的愛), 只喜愛”悅人眼目的” ... 追求短暫的会失去「永恆」...

感謝神,今天的提醒是... 撒但就像「有經驗」的魚夫... 他的餌是根據魚喜歡的口味而放置的...人不小心就会掉進陷阱裡...

PS. Daily revelations with Our Father or simply just knowledge His presence is so important in our lives and He will help us fix our our eyes on Him so we can overcome our weakness ! I really like Kim Walker ‘s expression “ “Somehow We loose the connection to God during the week along the way so on Sunday when we come to church and we says” ok Pastor, ok Worship team now get me connected again back to God ...”?

Shouldn’t be better if our revelation with God is in our daily lives...which is we “live a life of worship “ we ever pause today and say “ Hello Jesus?”... just to remind us the moment we first encountered with His love and we just simply acknowledge His presence in our life today ❤️

Thursday, May 31, 2018

My walk with Him..Back to blogging ...再起步🌸

希臘文舊約(七十士譯本)稱此書(創世記)為 Genesis, 有「出生」的意思, 但希伯來文舊約則無書名,猶太人用本書開頭第一字 Bereshith.. 意思是「起初」。

「創世紀」寫下我們神怎樣用”話語”從混沌中創造有秩序的宇宙。衪創造天地,海洋,日月星辰,也造植物,動物,魚和小昆蟲,最後祂照自己的形像造人,要人管理大地。神的話語大有能力,安定在天,萬有因祂而立。祂的尊貴与榮耀跟今天無異。希伯來文Elohim 為 Eloath (神) 字的復數, 啟示隱含”三位一體“神的奧秘,偉大与華麗, 稱為”華麗的多數” The plural of majesty! 此字雖為多數,但動詞則為單數,清楚指出神是宇宙間唯一的主宰!

Reading Linda Shepherd’s “Called to Pray”.... It reminds us “it is not only to ask God to guide us but also to be brave enough to do what he says...  “Corrie ten Boom once said, “Intercession is so incredibly important.  A girl prayed for her friend until she, like her friend. Accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior. Then the two of them began to pray for a third girl, and then the three of them for a fourth girl, and the four of them for a fifth friend. 🌸 This was a chain reaction in the hearts of us through intercession.  Will you ask the Lord to use you in that chain reaction and that He may begin in your heart and then continue?”

我仍相信彼此代禱的力量,要天天求告神,让我們重新得力! 在「艾城」的教訓給我們很大的提醒, 昨天在「耶利哥」的得勝並不代表今天也能得勝, 我們要常常連於基督常結果子! 


John 15:5
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.